
Songs about rain

I don't quite know for sure what it is about the rain that fascinates me so much.
No,it's not so much about the romantic atmosphere . The rain's not always about food , or love or holding hands . Or bright candles when the lights go out , or old songs you play in the deepest sense of nostalgia . Or even for that matter , the return of innocence. Maybe , the rain is just about the strange nothingness , a peace of mind and a sense of quiet.
There ' s something about the rains that hit you like a deep moment of insight . The smell , the sights , the sounds . It disgusts most people when it rains - the dirt , the muck , the inconvenience of it all .
But the first rain after months of heat and longing . When your heart pleads for satiation and it soars when you hear the arrival of the monsoons heralded by the winds , it is gorgeous .
Yesterday , as I walked back from the gym in the rain , I was soaked . I had my pants rolled up way above my knees . I walked through the walking track surrounding the semi-flooded cricket pitch , with only the light music made by the falling drops on the bamboos to accompany me . The only light was that of the garden lamps , glowing like golden orbs in the distance in the almost inky black colour of the trees and the sky .
And I felt a moment of happiness , sheer joy , ecstasy . My hair was pathetic , my face looked like shit , and I was observing the world through fogged up glasses , and yet , this world was beautiful . I did not lament that I did not have music to listen to at that moment .
Those five minutes in the rain , I knew , that if lightning struck me , I could have died knowing there was beauty in this world . 
No , it's not always about the songs on rain . It's about finding your own silence in the noise .